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Kamion ailesi olarak Y Combinator, Soma Capital, Logo Ventures, Cathexis Ventures liderliginde 2 milyon dolar tohum yatrm aldk! Izledigimiz yolda dunyann en onemli teknoloji fonlarnn bize ve ulkemize olan inanc bizi cok gururlandryor.

Kamion ekibi olarak degerli yuk veren musterilerimize, nakliyeci is ortaklarmza ve yatrmclarmza sonsuz tesekkurlerimizi sunuyoruz. Katlanarak buyuyen operasyonumuz ile hem ulkemizde hem de global pazarda cok guzel islere imza atyor olacagz.

We are thrilled to announce that we have raised $2m in Seed funding with participation from Y Combinator, Soma Capital, Logo Ventures, and Cathexis Ventures!

Many thanks to our shippers, carriers, and investors for supporting us .
#logistics []

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